返回值:ArrayjQuery.merge(first, second)

Merge the contents of two arrays together into the first array.

The $.merge() operation forms an array that contains all elements from the two arrays. The orders of items in the arrays are preserved, with items from the second array appended. The $.merge() function is destructive. It alters the first parameter to add the items from the second.

If you need the original first array, make a copy of it before calling $.merge(). Fortunately, $.merge() itself can be used for this duplication:

var newArray = $.merge([], oldArray);

This shortcut creates a new, empty array and merges the contents of oldArray into it, effectively cloning the array.

Prior to jQuery 1.4, the arguments should be true Javascript Array objects; use $.makeArray if they are not.


Merges two arrays, altering the first argument.

jQuery 代码:
$.merge( [0,1,2], [2,3,4] )


Merges two arrays, altering the first argument.

jQuery 代码:
$.merge( [3,2,1], [4,3,2] )  


Merges two arrays, but uses a copy, so the original isn't altered.

jQuery 代码:
var first = ['a','b','c'];
var second = ['d','e','f'];
$.merge( $.merge([],first), second);